Oggi parleremo del look di Jess, protagonista del telefilm “New Girl”: non vedevo l’ora di preparare un post su di lei!
Questa serie Tv mi ha stregata: racconta di Jess, interpretata da Zooey Deschanel, che, dopo aver sorpreso il suo fidanzato a letto con un’altra donna, decide di rompere con lui e cambiare casa.
Risponderà all’annuncio di 3 ragazzi, Nick, Coach (che verrà subito sostituito da Winston) e Schmidt, che sono alla ricerca di un nuovo coinquilino.
Dapprima i ragazzi si mostrano reticenti ad accettare un’inquilina donna, ma presto cederanno al fascino dell’eccentrica Jess, una maestra elementare.
La serie è divertente e dinamica e, per ora, conta solo una stagione, ma non temete, è stata rinnovata e siamo in attesa della seconda.
Vi consiglio di recuperarla!
Veniamo all’outfit di oggi: proviene dalla puntata intitolata “Campanelle” e lo trovo carinissimo.
Ecco cosa ho trovato per riproporlo:
Maglietta: BHS. Marchiata BHS. Manica lunga, Righe bianche e verdi. Prezzo (sterline): 14,00£
Ballerine: Urban Outfitters. Marchiate BDG. Rosse, in morbida lana, con sottopiede in ecopelle. Prezzo (sterline): 29,00£
Gonna: Asos Collection. Pieghe morbide, fascia in vita, retro leggermente asimmetrico. Prezzo (sterline): 16 £
Credo sia un abbinamento semplice, ma elegante, voi cosa ne pensate?
Today I will talk about the look of Jess, the main character of the TV Show “New Girl”: I could not wait to write a post about her!
This TV Show haunted me: it’s about Jess, played by Zooey Deschanel, that, after finding her boyfriend sleeping with another girl, she decided to leave him and find a new home.
She will reply to an ad written by three boys, Nick, Couch (which will be soon replaced by Winston) and Schmidt, all looking for a new roommate.
At first, the boys seem reluctant to accept a female housemate, but they will soon fall for the charm of the eccentric Jess, an elementary school teacher.
The show is really funny and dynamic and, for now, there’s only one season. But don’t worry, it has been renewed and we are waiting for the second one.
I recommend you retrieve it!
Let’s talk about today’s outfit: it comes from the episode called “Bells” and I think it’s so cute!
That’s what I found to reproduce it:
Tshirt: BHS. Marked BHS. Long sleeved, with white and green stripes. Price: 14,00£
Flats:: Urban Outfitters. Marked BDG. Red, made with soft wool, with a leader insole. Price: 29,00£
Skirt:: Asos Collection. With soft pleats, a waistband and a back that’s a little asymmetrical. Price: 16,00£
I think it’s a simple but elegant, combination, what do you think about it?